TOP > Inquiries related to submissions/registrations

Inquiries related to submissions/registrations

You can inquire about the following on this page. Please send enter the question content to choose the contents of purpose.

  • Inquiries related to sessions
  • Inquiries related to submissions
  • Others

Notes for input
Model-dependent character can not be entered

Inquiry content selection

Please fill out the form below, and click the 'Confirm' button only once to send the contents. Please understand that it may take time to reply.

Select what you want to appropriate from the following, name, posting ID, please send by entering the inquiry.



*E-mail address:

*E-mail address for confirmation:

*paper submission ID (RSJ2024-xxxx) :

 Please use single-byte letters.

Session Change
(If you wish to change your presentation to a "General Session", please write two or three keywords that describe your presentation in the "Inquiry Details" section.

*Current Session :

*Session you would like to change :

講演取り下げ (参加登録キャンセルについてはこちらのサイトにてご連絡ください。)





Inquiries related to submissions

*Select Unreceived Emails :

*Registration details (Please enter as much information as possible.) Please enter the following information :




Inquiry Details / Other

Contents in detail

Please fill in the details to the following.

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